Friday, April 18, 2008

DMC4, check!

I finally finished playing Devil May Cry (DMC) 4. I wouldn't call it epic but it certainly kept me well entertained for a while. I still haven't gone through all the secret missions and unlocked all the extra content but I'll get there eventually. So what do I think of this latest edition to the DMC series? Pretty good. Visually, the game is stunning. Running on the PS3 I would gather that it'll be the case. Audio is superb, as its been throughout the series. Cut-scenes have been directed really well. Gameplay is similar, in my opinion, to the rest of the series. That includes the good and bad. Camera angles become an issue at times. All said and done, I think this was a great game for the fans of DMC and a good intro to the xbox crowd that didn't have the luxury of playing the first three installments unless they owned a Sony Playstation 2 (another perk for picking up a PS3 for all the other DMC titles should work on the PS3). Oh, I must point out one thing. The game is short. I can't help wonder that its because Capcom wanted to fit the game on two DVDs for the xbox crowd and us PS3 owners got gipped because of lazy (parallel) development. I don't know. I just think its wrong to waste so much space and processing power.

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